Join us in recognising
World Homeless Day
This year, World Homeless Day is vital to highlight the needs of people without a safe place to call home. During Covid-19, home has been our sanctuary for us and our loved ones. For those affected by homelessness, the impact has been devastating.
From people sofa surfing, no longer able to rely on friends for a place to sleep, and those whose poverty means they have to choose between paying rent and feeding their family; to vulnerable people locked down with an abusive partner; or those with mental health and addiction challenges, unable to cope with rigid restrictions: vulnerable people have faced hardship this year like never before.
Throughout lockdown and current restrictions, Aberdeen Cyrenians has been at the forefront of delivering care and support to vulnerable people facing multiple and complex issues. Winning the Aberdeen Champion Key Worker Team award is a testament to the wide range of support and issues they address and the efforts made in supporting the most vulnerable people in our city.
Mike Burns, CEO of Aberdeen Cyrenians explains:
“Homelessness is not a lack of housing. It is the result of poverty, abuse, trauma, mental ill-health, addiction, crisis and vulnerability. Home is the foundation on which we build our support, giving people security to recover, grow and flourish.
As a homeless charity, of course we help people in crisis to secure a safe, affordable and healthy home; but their need doesn’t end there, so neither does our support.
We give people the support they need to recover from crisis by meeting their essential needs: food, warmth, safety and support; then we work alongside them, helping to overcome the issues that led to their crisis, and enabling them to create a brighter future.
We put people at the heart of all our care, offering choice and support that is matched to their own unique need. Our homelessness support encompasses the whole person and their entire experience wherever they are in their journey from crisis to resilience.
Over our 52 year history we have pioneered innovative ways of providing care and support, and helped over 50,000 vulnerable people towards recovery and meaningful change.
During lockdown and beyond we have risen to the exceptional challenge presented by this pandemic continuing all current services and launching a further five new services since March. We have delivered over 19,000 care packages and provided over 21,000 support activities to people in need. The number of people coming to us for support has risen 600% already, and undoubtedly with the challenges that now face our region, many, many more people are becoming vulnerable and will be in need of support.”
Mike Burns, CEO
The local economy faces a long road to recovery with an 80% rise in Universal Credit claims in the last two months of lockdown and over 27,000 people claiming benefits last month. With the end of furlough, rising unemployment and volatile oil prices, pressure on affordable housing is increasing. 234 households are currently facing eviction in Aberdeen, while courts are suspended, and evictions are banned by the Scottish Government as part of their COVID19 response until March 21. When the ban ends there will be a sharp increase in people needing support unless we bring an end to evicting people into homelessness.
Mike continued:
“We rely heavily on the generous support of our local community and Covid-19 has been no different. We are so grateful to everyone that has been able to donate money, food and other essentials throughout the pandemic, giving generously to help people in crisis. With furlough coming to an end and winter fast approaching, we’re expecting an incredibly tough time ahead and know that the challenge is not yet over.
This week we have been championing Challenge Poverty Week to highlight the change that we want to see to end homelessness for good. As part of the Everyone Home Collective we are calling for housing to be at the heart of Scotland’s national recovery from COVID-19 so we can leave homelessness and rough sleeping behind us.
We want to see a more resilient, caring and fairer Scotland where everyone can recover, grow and flourish.”
To help support Aberdeen Cyrenians and challenge poverty visit: