Wernham House
Wernham House is a residential and respite care accommodation service for adults who have alcohol and substance use problems and mental health issues. It provides care, support and accommodation for 17 individuals, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with a dedicated team of Support Practitioners.
Longer-term placements as well as respite placements are provided, including crisis interventions. Wernham is built on four floors with a total of 17 bedrooms on the 1st to 3rd floor. Bathroom facilities are available on all floors. The communal areas include a television lounge and dining area, which can also be used as a meeting place, a smaller quiet room and laundry facilities. All meals are provided and dietary requirements can be catered for. There is a lift but the building has not been adapted for wheelchair users.
Who we help
The service supports individuals aged 18 years and over who:
have alcohol related issues and may have associated mental health, challenging behaviour and health issues
may be experiencing difficulties in maintaining accommodation due to alcohol related issues and require a short period of respite care
may be unable to maintain a mainstream tenancy with the level of support available in the community.
How we help
Wernham House staff establish relationships with individuals based on respect, acceptance and personal value. The staff team seek to improve the situation of vulnerable individuals by providing person centred support and encouraging voluntary engagement. Each service user is allocated a named key worker and co-worker who will support, monitor and review individual action plans.
Service Users at Wernham House are supported and encouraged to be as independent as possible. The aim of respite care is to enable physical and mental health recovery and to assist the Service User to return home better equipped to live independently in the wider community. Respite also offers carers the opportunity to have a break from the pressures that they can experience.
How to access the service
Wernham House is accessed in agreement with Aberdeen City Council Social Work Integrated Alcohol Service. All referrals will require a Single Shared Assessment (SSA) to be completed by the Aberdeen City Council Social Work service. The referrals will be forwarded to the management team at Wernham House and the Senior Social Worker, Integrated Alcohol Services (IAS) who will work together to prioritise referrals and when there is a vacancy, decide on the admission.
Please call 0300 303 0903 to access support.
Where to find us
7 Virginia St,
AB11 5AZ