Social Purpose
The main reason that we exist is to provide choice to prospective tenants who may have previously been excluded from or struggled to access the Private Rented Sector. The four main groups that we aim to support are:
Supported tenancies
People who need a level of support to manage their tenancy (we provide support through our partner housing support service; Settled: Housing Support. This is an Aberdeen Cyrenians housing support service registered with the Care Inspectorate.)
People at risk
Service Users of other Aberdeen Cyrenians services. For example, those fleeing domestic violence who need quick access to safe accommodation, but don't need any support to manage a tenancy.
People waiting
People who are on either the local authority(s) housing lists or those of registered social landlords, but may be considered to be low priority (and therefore face a long wait). Offering this service therefore relieves pressure from the list!
Anyone and Everyone
Everyone else! Anyone who responds to the marketing of your property e.g. working professionals, students etc.light touch when everything is going well (e.g. phone call once a month) varying level/intensity of support changes when you or we notice issues.
Settled: Homes for All is a Social Enterprise (SCIO 000000) owned by Aberdeen Cyrenians a charity registered in Scotland (SC 014849) and a charitable company limited by guarantee (SC 70903). Registered office: Unit 4, First Floor, 32 Scotstown Road, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB23 8HG. This website is managed in accordance with our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy.
Special thanks to our funders for allowing us to create this service: Crisis UK and Scottish Government in partnership with Corra
© Aberdeen Cyrenians 2022, all rights reserved.