Don’t struggle alone

“I need support, but it’s all online.”

“I want to apply for a job, but I have no internet.”

“My finances are online, but I am not.”

“I’m on a budget, but I can’t access online discounts.”

“I need help, but can’t afford to call someone.”

Don’t struggle alone

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0300 303 0903

62 Summer St

Umar sought help from Aberdeen Cyrenians

“I took internet access for granted until I couldn’t afford it. I had to cut my bills down, but not being online made things very difficult. For me though, the worst thing was not being able to stay in contact with friends, I felt really alone.

I came to Aberdeen Cyrenians, and they gave me data I could use on my phone. They also helped me look at my finances, and I am now able to budget better. The support has helped so much, and I now don’t feel as stressed.”

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